Using ACP

ACP is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE which is designed to aid coding practice in lectures. Instructors are able to upload C++ Projects which students can then download and work on in lectures. Additionally ACP has a project sync functionality which means instructors can modify code in real time - creating exercises and demonstrations as they go.
You can find more information about ACP at

ACP can be accessed via the Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu, or via WebIDE - a web interface for ACP.
Advantages of ACP via Eclipse are that projects compile and execute faster, and you have access to the Eclipse IDE features and tools.
Advantages of WebIDE ACP are that it requires no installation, and can be accessed via Linux, Windows, or OS X.

Watch the installing Eclipse and ACP video for steps on installing ACP on the Eclipse IDE.

Watch the videos below for demonstration on using Eclipse ACP and WebIDE ACP.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Auckland 2017